Monday, September 20, 2010

The Negative Influences Found On The Internet

On the internet, there's a countless amount of negative influences found. It begins with the chat sites, such as Habbo, and can end with blog sites, which can have pornography found on them. Recently, my peers and myself, watched a video based on the internet, and how negative it is for our adolescent. There is three reasons I can think of on the top of my head as to why the internet is bad for our present: Chat sites, pictures being posted, and privacy.

All over, chat sites, or even Windows Messenger, gives anyone a chance to use it negatively and abuse it. Lately, our adolescence abuses these programs to bully others over the computer. Suicide has been recorded from children being bullied over the internet, or even in general. Letting our adolescence have the chance to use the computer, and bully others using it is giving them more options to make their peers inferior. Cyber bullying is wrong, and the only way to stop it would be to not let our children to have access to these sites.

Over the year, Facebook has grown to become one of the biggest social networking sites. It is used to chat with your friends, post pictures, and in other words, record your life. Posting inappropriate pictures of you and your friends drinking, or wearing limited clothing, is what my teacher would call, abusing the internet. In the future, it becomes more difficult to find a job, if the pictures you have of yourself on the internet are all inappropriate. Even if you delete a picture or post, it stays on the internet forever and will never be erased.

There is no such thing as privacy found on the internet. You post a blog on the internet, and later erase it, it's still on the internet. The same with pictures, and what you type into search engines. Facebook resets their privacy settings every few weeks so it is recommended to check on them every once in a while to ensure your safety. Truth is, there's nothing completely safe about the internet and that is one of the problems we're facing today.

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