Friday, January 14, 2011

War Veteran Speech- Stop This Madness.

Just recently, Mike Prysner broadcasted a speech that went viral. That is what I am here to talk about. Hearing Mike's inspirational speech made me stop and think. Think, about how amazing it really was; and also, to think about how he was right, about everything. We are the enemies, the ones' who continue to fight, and cause problems each day.

Before this, I would never have thought about how war is just another word for racism. Its the meaning; the synonym. We fight other countries to gain something, to clear out the people who are different from what we are. In our minds, its thought to be that only we matter, and why anyone different would be on this earth anyways. Well, each and every person is different from the rest, and thats what matters. Each of us have our talents, our weaknesses and strengths, and our unique personalities. Hearing this often should be enough to know that its not only our "kind" who matter. Everyone does, and dragging them onto the street or wrecking their homes is not the answer.

Mike had a huge point of knowing that the government and military would be the enemy. We make the problems, we cause them, but we never resolve them.. unless you call winning the war a good resolution. I have my strong opinions of disagreeing with war, but never for those reasons, until now. Many of you may disagree, as that is alright, since each person is entitled to their own opinions; but stop and think for a minute; think of what the world could be if war did not exist, and peace flowed through the universe. We continue to wreck our earth with war, destroying forests, killing people, etc. The list could go on and on, but I'll stop now.

My point is, is that this video taught me something I would have never known. Taught me more about war, and how it affects us and wrecks us. So, pass this video around more, take a look to see what you think about it, and share your opinions; because it has positively changed many people around our world. Thank gosh, one war is finished with not one a winner.

Monday, January 10, 2011

False Advertising*

We've all watched commercials and seen advertisements on fast-food places such as Wendy's, Burger King, and Mc Donald's right? Well, the reality of these delicious foods we see on our televisions is completely.. false. I can even admit that those burgers on the advertisements look very healthy and good. But when reality hits, we realize that it's everything besides that mouth-watering food. When we actually get to go to these places, and order what we thought looked so good, our result isnt anything we thought possible. With old lettuce and burgers, with cheese and sauces, it's all slapped on like nobody's business. The Big Mac, the Baconator, you get it. Even if the taste is good, the look isn't. Also, their all packed with unhealthy fats and tons of calories. A terrible mix, as having one burger has about as many calories as your supposed to consume in one day.. but it's only for one meal. So, make the smart choices, and don't listen to the advertisements, its all a lie.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Communication, Collaboration, and Creation.

As you know, cell phones are not allowed at school. Everyone has their opinion on how they are not good for anything, besides distracting the student. But has the person who controls this matter ever taken the time to think up all of the pros' cell phones could have on schools, and particularily students. Of course, during tests they should be banned, but as for during school hours, there are a lot of good things cell phone's could be used for. For one, they have a calculator. During math class, it is difficult remembering to carry a calculator in your binder, so just being able to take your phone out of your pocket and use a calculator is easy and quick. Some phones also have a metric conversion application, which makes converisons easier than your calculator.
Even if you don't own the IPhone, any other phone has most applications that would help during classes. Every phone comes with a calendar, so students can put their assignment due dates in it. This will help them finish on time, since they know when everything is due.
Teachers are always having to tell the students to quiet down, even when we are asking for help from our peers. Except, if we were able to ask for help via text, then our work would be done, and we would be quiet. Communication would happen through text so we can learn together.
Each thing, has a purpose for everything, and being able to have your phone at school would have more than one purpose. It would be the perfect mix of communication, collaboration, and creation.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Technologies of the Future

As the theme of our Fun Friday is once again, "Technologies that may change the Future", it would be my job to tell it just like it is. Each day, new inventions are made, ideas are brought up, and the latest products are sold- for a price. This price could be cheap but it could probably rob some of us broke as well. As some of them can be extremely useful, even teaching our children new things, while entertaining, we have to decide if all of these technologies are a pro for our world, or a con. Weigh the pros and the cons and see which one outweighs the other.

If you think of these technologies, they are not only right in front of you, but also through the computer. Partly, their ruining our world. Social Media is no longer just a fad, it never has been actually. It keeps advancing, creating new social networks to go on. Facebook, Twitter, and Myspace are just a few social sites you can go on to publish, chat, share. If you think into this subject a little bit more, you'll understand there's a completely different world apart from the "real world". That world, is on the Internet.

An example of a new technology, I recently saw, while shopping in Staples, was the new Bamboo Pen & Touch. It comes with a pen as well, if you buy that set, and only costs about $150. Connecting it through a USB port to your laptop, or computer, it's touch. Sort of like a smart board. You can scroll up and down, edit pictures, as well as right click, double click, etc. Easy to use, and cheap cost. Seems like the new technology to have, which as any technology does, will change our future. This time, I believe it's for the good.  

In my opinion, I do believe that some technologies are great for us, although others could be just a waste. I've researched and watched videos of technologies, usually on Ted Talks, and I must say they are all fascinating. For our world to evolve as much as it has already, it can be kind of frightening to think of what we'll have in say, 10 years. Only time will be able to tell... unless we get in some fortune tellers to tell the future for us.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Siftables- The New Educational Creation

Siftables are the first product made that are little computers, the size of about a small cookie, that have many feautures and are targeted as an educational purpose. Feautures of this magnificent project are wireless communication, graphical display, neighbor detection, and motion sensing. These were made for the purpose of users to physically be able to grasp them to either pile, group, or sort so that they could interact with digital information. It's amazing the things you can do with siftables; not only for young children to play with, to build up blocks, but also for adolescence to make music on, or use as a calculator that calculates numbers together quickly.


As I watched the video from Ted Talks, I learnt more about the product that fascinated me in many ways. These blocks can help tons with mathematics for any age as it is much easier to understand a concept when you can demonstrate it to yourself. They work to help children find others ways to play which involve them learning in the process. Depending on a reasonable price, that has no yet been set, since this product has not been sold yet, I would, as you should also, consider buying this product for your children, for yourselves, or as a gift to your family or friends.

Siftables- to be able to play and learn at the same time; it's a two-in-one package.

Friday, November 5, 2010

The Sixth Sense

When I first heard of the technology Sixth Sense from my teacher, I wasn't sure of what to expect. As of right now, our topic for this month in our Information Processing class is Personal Technologies that will change the Future. As my peers and I watched the video of Ted Talks, I learned that it is a very updated type of technology. I have to say that cell phones have come a long way. With this technology, all you do is use the touch of your finger to do just about anything, using a surface; and your hand, if needed.

There's a lot you can expect from seeing the video, though some of the things shown were just for laughs; such as, instead of having to read the newspaper, you can just watch the video on the newspaper from your cell phone. The new technologies that are being invented nowadays are much more updated than I ever thought could be created. To be able to use just your fingers to do anything, from calling, to say, painting a picture is extraordinary.

There's always going to be something new to invent, or create to update what is out there already. New, fascinating inventions are made up everyday and are released shortly after, usually sold in China first. I can see that in about one hundred years, our world is going to most likely be virtual, and almost fake-looking.

That is, if we don't all die in 2012.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Google Reader Response #1

In the recent two months that I've been on Google Reader, usually visiting it once a week, there has been a few specific posts that caught my eye and were extremely interesting. I will introduce three of them today, as I need to limit how many I could actually talk about on here.

The first one I noticed easily, was one I saw today. Since we're just passed Halloween, I thought I should include one of my explanations on a very creative costume made. Have you ever watched the movie 'Up'? Well this costume has been made as based on it. The costume is fit to be worn on the head, and torso. A house, made from cardboard and tape, is worn with 470,000 balloons on the head. Moonboots are worn, just on the feet. This costume, caught my eye seeing the bright colors and recognizing it from the Disney movie. So, I guess there's always that person with a creative mind ready to think of anything, at anytime.

Enough about my joyful Halloween talk for now though, the second post is called, Zip Bed by Florida Furniture. Okay, so as I'm a teenager, having to make my bed every morning kills time, and gets old.. real fast. Recently, there was a new invention made up, the Zip Bed. Instead of making your bed, and fixing your sheets each morning, you can zip it up; in about two minutes. Now wouldn't that be useful. Open it up at night to sleep, and zip it up again in the morning; that would keep everything neat and tidy at all times. Creative ideas are made everyday; a reason why people are hired, for their imaginations. Now I can't say I have the best imagination; not like these people, but I'll always have the random idea which kills two birds with one stone.

Last post I'll talk about today, and I promise it's not about Halloween. This one can be called, Trollin'. Not many words are spoken on this one, but the picture is enough to tell all. Typically, every person will look at the glass as either half full, or half empty; as they are either optimistic or pessimistic. I, for one am optimistic which means that I always look at the bright side of everything. I can't say I ever had thoughts of how the glass could be completely full, but this post gives me different perspectives on it. In a half-full or even half-empty glass, there's half of it filled with water. The other half of can be thought of as to have nothing; except the other half is full of air, whether you think of it like that or not. This post fascinated me as it changes and influences the minds of the challenged; and the ones who think they have everything figured out.

These posts all had different aspects to them, whether one is based upon a holiday, or a new creation. Either way, they caught my eye in a flash, as lightning does during a thunderstorm.