Monday, January 10, 2011

False Advertising*

We've all watched commercials and seen advertisements on fast-food places such as Wendy's, Burger King, and Mc Donald's right? Well, the reality of these delicious foods we see on our televisions is completely.. false. I can even admit that those burgers on the advertisements look very healthy and good. But when reality hits, we realize that it's everything besides that mouth-watering food. When we actually get to go to these places, and order what we thought looked so good, our result isnt anything we thought possible. With old lettuce and burgers, with cheese and sauces, it's all slapped on like nobody's business. The Big Mac, the Baconator, you get it. Even if the taste is good, the look isn't. Also, their all packed with unhealthy fats and tons of calories. A terrible mix, as having one burger has about as many calories as your supposed to consume in one day.. but it's only for one meal. So, make the smart choices, and don't listen to the advertisements, its all a lie.

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