Monday, November 1, 2010

Google Reader Response #1

In the recent two months that I've been on Google Reader, usually visiting it once a week, there has been a few specific posts that caught my eye and were extremely interesting. I will introduce three of them today, as I need to limit how many I could actually talk about on here.

The first one I noticed easily, was one I saw today. Since we're just passed Halloween, I thought I should include one of my explanations on a very creative costume made. Have you ever watched the movie 'Up'? Well this costume has been made as based on it. The costume is fit to be worn on the head, and torso. A house, made from cardboard and tape, is worn with 470,000 balloons on the head. Moonboots are worn, just on the feet. This costume, caught my eye seeing the bright colors and recognizing it from the Disney movie. So, I guess there's always that person with a creative mind ready to think of anything, at anytime.

Enough about my joyful Halloween talk for now though, the second post is called, Zip Bed by Florida Furniture. Okay, so as I'm a teenager, having to make my bed every morning kills time, and gets old.. real fast. Recently, there was a new invention made up, the Zip Bed. Instead of making your bed, and fixing your sheets each morning, you can zip it up; in about two minutes. Now wouldn't that be useful. Open it up at night to sleep, and zip it up again in the morning; that would keep everything neat and tidy at all times. Creative ideas are made everyday; a reason why people are hired, for their imaginations. Now I can't say I have the best imagination; not like these people, but I'll always have the random idea which kills two birds with one stone.

Last post I'll talk about today, and I promise it's not about Halloween. This one can be called, Trollin'. Not many words are spoken on this one, but the picture is enough to tell all. Typically, every person will look at the glass as either half full, or half empty; as they are either optimistic or pessimistic. I, for one am optimistic which means that I always look at the bright side of everything. I can't say I ever had thoughts of how the glass could be completely full, but this post gives me different perspectives on it. In a half-full or even half-empty glass, there's half of it filled with water. The other half of can be thought of as to have nothing; except the other half is full of air, whether you think of it like that or not. This post fascinated me as it changes and influences the minds of the challenged; and the ones who think they have everything figured out.

These posts all had different aspects to them, whether one is based upon a holiday, or a new creation. Either way, they caught my eye in a flash, as lightning does during a thunderstorm.

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