Thursday, October 14, 2010

Cyber Bullying- The New Things I've Learnt.

Just recently, I researched more about my main topic, Cyber Bullying. I learned a few important things, mostly how cyber bullying came to be what it is today, and how it got started in the first place. One definition for cyber bullying is, "Cyber bullying is being cruel to others by sending or posting harmful material or engaging in other forms of social cruelty using the internet or other digital technologies." That definition explains a lot, although I take cyber bullying as something similar, yet different. In my words, cyber bullying is an act of making a certain person, or group, inferior about themselves using digital technology by saying or posting material that harms each of them to make the predator (bully) feel better about themselves. These days, there isn't just one definition for anything; not even cyber bullying.

Bullying happens over the computer in emails, and internet messengers, over texting on your cellphones; anywhere that happens to be available in that moment. It's a never-ending behavior that only came upon when the adolescence started using the computer and cellphones for more social needs. I couldn't tell you how it effects a person completely, but i'm sure it's exactly how a person being bullied face-to-face would feel; inferior, and believing what the predators are saying to them. In my experience of being bullied, the only advice I could give you is to try not to let it get to you. I've had many friends who bullied, over the computer and face-to-face, and that's really all I could think of to tell them. Just think, there has to be a reason why their doing this to you through a screen. Their scared, and they need to be able to feel better about themselves. That's exactly what I learned through my research, and my previous experience.

Friday, October 8, 2010


Photosynth is a software application that takes photos which you've uploaded and mixes them together. The result is a 3D picture that you can move around to see closer up and farther away. It combines thousands of photo's to make the end result clear and light. I haven't tested out this application, but I would like to, one day. It is the new photo editing application, and also known as the new digital camera. I think this gadget will be useful and make it easier for everyone to edit pictures.